Slashdot 報導「Microsoft Will Pay If Its Bugs Damage Your Data」,不過原來在 CNet 的標題更機車:「Microsoft offers $5 windfall for errant software」XD
According to the AntiSpyware Beta end-user license agreement (EULA), Microsoft will reimburse direct damages up to $5 for problems associated with the new downloadable tool that wards off spyware, adware and any other “potentially unwanted software.”
只有 AntiSpyware,歸類到 Joke 去 -_-
這讓我想到「每當機一次就賠 USD$1」的笑話 :P
如果每當機一次就要給一美金的話,Bill Gates 在兩年內天會破產的笑話 :p