
Testing Cheaper Printer Ink,轉錄了 的報導:Entrepreneurs Offer Cheaper Printer Ink


At the same time, the big companies are getting stingier with the amount of ink they are putting into each cartridge. For example, when H-P eliminated one cartridge that had 42 milliliters of ink and cost $29.99, it replaced it with another that costs $19.99 but has only 19 milliliters of ink.


But cheaper cartridges are far from perfect. The price is often considerably lower, but consumer watchdogs frequently decry the quality of alternative ink, complaining that they can result in streaky printouts. “Shop around for the best cartridge prices but be wary of off-brands; we have found brand-name cartridges to have better print quality overall,” Consumer Reports recently cautioned.

我想到之前 好像也有推出相容墨水匣 (還是碳粉夾?) 搞過 ?怎麼沒拿 的試看看?(我記得還有「如果你用我們的墨水匣造成你的印表機故障,我們賠你一台同等級的」的宣示?)


Update:「享樂所擬」->「想勒索你」,錯字滿天飛 :~

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