DreamHost 有一個很奇怪的設計:幾乎所有的設計都是假設在 DNS 交給 DreamHost 代管上。
為什麼這樣說呢?因為我將 gslin.org 搬到 DreamHost 後,我不知道要將 A RR 設定到那個 IP address – 在 Control Panel 上沒有寫。
那我怎麼知道呢?我到 Shell Account 下用 ifconfig -a
列出所有的 IP address,再用 GET http://gslin.org/ -p http://specify.some.ip.address:80/
連看看,找到正確的 IP address 以後設定上去…
而我又設定了一個測試用的 domain 要使用,本來以為同一個 account 會在同一個 IP address 上,結果 發現不是,於是又掃了一遍…
掃完以後用 Control Panel 裡的 Contact Support 去幹剿:
I own gslin.org, and I want to use myself DNS server to set “gslin.org”.
Now, I set gslin.org’s web, and control panel tells me the ssh account
and other PHP/FastCGI/… information, but I don’t know what IP
address I should specify.
Important Note for Custom DNS Setups (Action Required)
Posted: Jul 25th, 2005 – 01:29:07 PM PST (1 day 3 hours ago)
If you have customized your DNS settings for any of your domains or if you maintain your own DNS outside of our servers, you must read this and take action. If you have not customized your DNS in any way or don’t know what this means, you do not need to do anything.
We will be making some significant changes to how we configure our email servers in the next couple of weeks, and it is very important that your DNS is configured correctly. The best way to know if your DNS is configured correctly is to query the DreamHost DNS servers directly. You can do that with the UNIX ‘host’ command with syntax similar to this:
host -t any example.com ns1.dreamhost.com
If you need assistance with this, please contact our support team as soon as possible.
If you are using the default DreamHost set up, you do not need to do anything. This is only
applicable to anyone who has customized their DNS configuration in a way other than how we recommend.Happy DreamHost DNS Team
就是不肯在通知信給一個 IP 就是了? :p