Category Archives: Search Engine

Search Engine

超邪惡的 Google Toolbar

看到這篇文章「Google’s new toolbar: Now more evil than ever」提到的:

As if that wasn’t enough, the toolbar updates automatically, without asking. Once installed, this happens no matter how restrictive your Explorer security settings might be, and regardless of whether you have ZoneAlarm or some other firewall installed. Basically, this means that Google potentially can install anything at all on your hard drive, at any time that you connect to them.

Don’t be evil?這已經是過去式了。

Upgrade 到新版的 WordPress

剛剛把 WordPress 升級到 2005/02/14 nightly (其實是改 code 改爛了,只好順便 upgrade 上去),剛好發現我要改的東西已經寫進去了 :)

因為 pesty 跟我說他用 Google Adsense Preview Tool (我自己也有裝) 看 交大首頁 有正常出現廣告,不像我們的網頁出不來。所以他猜測是 Google Adsense 認不出 UTF8 繁體中文,但是我拿 hlb 的 (UTF8 繁體中文) 去測,發現是 okay 的,於是我猜測是 HTTP Header 的問題,拿出來比對了一下發現 hlb交大首頁 都有正確的噴:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF8

Content-Type: text/html; charset=Big5

而我們的都沒噴 UTF8 出來… 剛剛 upgrade 的時候發現也不用改了,新版的加上去了,接下來就要等 Google Adsense 來更新了…