超強的 lighttpd 作者 :p

我要嚴肅考慮請公司 donate USD$1000 過去了… :P

我跟 Izero 為了 apache 實在太慢,決定測試 lighttpd + fastcgi php 時發現它沒有辦法跑 404 handler funky caching,所以我就寫信過去問:

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 14:27:52 +0800
From: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin@ccca.nctu.edu.tw>
Subject: fastcgi problem (404 funky caching)
To: lighttpd@lists.kneschke.de

We see Rasmus Lerdorf’s “PHP tips and tricks” <http://www.lerdorf.com/tips.pdf> talking about using 404 handler to cache (funky caching).

We use it successfully in apache, but when we transfer to lighttpd, we found lighttpd’s 404 handler will not call fastcgi handler (and of course not to generate pages.)

Is there any patches or thoughts ?


Date: Sun, 04 09:40:57 +0200
From: Jan Kneschke <jan@kneschke.de>
Subject: Re: fastcgi problem (404 funky caching)
To: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin@ccca.nctu.edu.tw>
Cc: lighttpd@lists.kneschke.de

On Sun, Oct 10, 2004 at 02:27:52PM +0800, Gea-Suan Lin wrote:
We see Rasmus Lerdorf’s “PHP tips and tricks” <http://www.lerdorf.com/tips.pdf> talking about using 404 handler to cache (funky caching).

We use it successfully in apache, but when we transfer to lighttpd, we found lighttpd’s 404 handler will not call fastcgi handler (and of course not to generate pages.)

Is there any patches or thoughts ?

Because there is not 404 handler yet :)

I’m currently integrating it, wait a few minutes and I’ll release a new


然後過沒多久就 release 了 :p

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 10:26:01 +0200
From: Jan Kneschke <jan@kneschke.de>
Subject: PRE-RELEASE: lighttpd-1.3.3-20041010.tar.gz
To: lighttpd@lists.kneschke.de

Dear list,

changes against the last pre-release:
– added error-handler for 404
server.error-handler-404 = “/error-handler.php”
– fixed compilation of ldap is not enabled


這真是太強了 :p

3 thoughts on “超強的 lighttpd 作者 :p”

  1. 其實敝 mud 也差不多.
    那堆老頭們想到什麼東西需要的, 夠好玩的或是有空寫的話, 大概隔天就看得到 code commit 進去.

  2. 的确,最近看到很多关于lighttpd的介绍,要是有win版的就好了,谁可以帮我编译一个适合win2003下使用的版本?

  3. 1.5 (尚未发布) 开始支持win native了, 1.4.x要win下跑就得cygwin/mingw编译

    $1000 … 给我吧 :D

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