在 freshmeat 看到 PuTTY 這個有名的 ssh client 出 0.58 了,包括:
PuTTY now supports IPv6, xterm 256-color control sequences, wildcards and recursive file transfer in PSFTP, and keepalives in all operating systems. A number of small bugs were fixed, security was improved for SSH2, and port forwarding can now be reconfigured mid-session.
IPv6 support!
不過走 6to4 Gateway 看起來很慘啊,國內好像沒人放 (中央研究院計算機中心的不通,不知道是不是我設定錯誤) 6to4 Gateway:
倒是走 2002:: 互跳比較快:(廢話)
中研院沒有「計算機中心」呀… Orz
sorry,計算中心 :P