blog 不是教育用途?

報導了 Vermont 的一所中學封鎖 blog (從學校內的網路沒辦法看到 blog),因為 blogging 不是教育用途:Principal bans blogging: “not educational”。原新聞稿在 High school bans blogging

Principal Chris Sousa said the decision to block the site from school was made because blogging is not an educational use of school computers.

另外,他也要求家長要注意學生在 這類網站上面要留意個人資料的問題:(沒錯!要注意 這種怪叔叔…)

But he’s also urging parents to keep tabs on their children’s blogging, with a particularly close eye to what personal information the student may be posting on sites like

不過話說回來,blog 不屬於教育用途?我要好好想一想…

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