惡搞 Google Adsense

Google Will Eat Itself 這篇文章裡面提到了這個 GWEI (Google Will Eat Itself) 這個 site:

This project, as I understand it, is a meditation on the economics of Google. The angle:

We generate money by serving Google text advertisments on our website GWEI.org. With this money we automatically buy Google shares via our Swiss e-banking account. We buy Google via their own advertisment! Google eats itself – but in the end we will own it!

換句話說,這個 fake site 用 賺來的錢,去買 Google 的股票… (用力惡搞的 site)

Update:是股票 -_-

One thought on “惡搞 Google Adsense”

  1. 哈哈,這個有趣…

    不過他應該不是把 Adsense 賺來的錢拿去買 Adwords,他更狠,
    他是把賺來的錢經由程式自動拿去買 Google Shares,也就是買 Google 的上市股票

    所以最後一句話才會說:「Google eats itself – but in the end we will own it! 」

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