利用 Internet 犯罪

Slashdot“Dark Alleys” on the Internet。原文在 New York TimesOn the Open Internet, a Web of Dark Alleys

Slashdot 的 comments 裡面有個人提到:

But who’s going to read all those logs? If there are 1 million people online at any given point of time, you’re going to need about 1 million people reading logs. The task would be overwhelming.

Throw some nice 2048-bit RSA encryption in there, and the whole thing is impossible.

You know, it’s stuff like this that the terrorists want. They want us to lose our freedoms to overzealous anti-terrorism laws, they want us to live in fear. Suggestions like this article must make Bin Laden smile.

沒錯,透過 PGP/GnuPG 之類的高加密軟體,要傳佈這些東西而不被發現實在太容易了 :)