Matt 對 WordPress 這次事情的說明

(目前這件事情的負責人) 對這次事情的說明:A Response to the Noise,下面的 comments 的話就暫時不用看好了 (已經破百了)。

光看本文就覺得在看閱讀測驗 (不斷的重複某些論點),尤其最近每個禮拜都在考研究所考試,快瘋掉了 -_-


To thrive as an independent project WordPress needs to be self-sufficient.

說他不知道這些頁面包含了高關鍵字的廣告 (像是石綿):

I did not know they had mesowhatever/asbestos content on them until Andy Baio messaged me.


In any case everything has been taken down and I’m seeing if I can refund what they’ve already paid for the remainder of the month.

同時,現在 也已經恢復 的頁面:

As of writing this WordPress search results on Google seem to have returned to normal as well.

然後下面有很多廢話,關於 與 community 的,想要當閱讀測驗的人可以去看看…

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