Slashdot 的 People are More Accepting of Spam 提到了:雖然信箱裡的 Mail Spam 愈來愈多,但他們愈來愈不在乎這點。
在原來的新聞 Spam and phishing 裡面提到:
More than a year after the CAN-SPAM Act became law, email users say they are receiving slightly more spam in their inboxes than before, but they are minding it less.
另外一點值得注意的是,收到 Porn Spam 的情況愈來愈少:
Among other things, the survey found that people were getting less porn spam, a uniquely troubling form of spam for most users and particularly for women. While 63% of email users now say they have received porn spam, down 8 percentage points from a year ago, 29% of those email users say they are now getting less porn spam, compared to 16% who said they are getting more.
在還沒開 Greylisting 以前,收到的 spam 數量大約在 300 spam/day 封左右,目前打開後剩下 50 spam/day,其中大部分都被 DSpam 給丟到 Spam Folder 了。
目前有一些新的技術在跑,像是 Yahoo! 在推的 DomainKeys、Microsoft 與 Pobox 在推的 Sender Policy Framework (雖然我覺得這是一個問題很多的技術),但突破的方法其實也都有,而且都不難。
只要透過 Open Proxy 用 Provider 的 Webmail 硬送就可以了。如果遇到 AuthImage 類 () 的方式,我猜測這些 Spam Software 的發展者會直接把國外論文的成果 import 進去,有九成左右的辨識率。
Gmail 的 Spam filter 其實也不錯,加上大家有很多 Invitations 吧?可以起個垃圾池,將 Email 先Forward 過去
Using Gmail as a Spam Filter
Porn/Erotic 現在沒什麼賺頭啊, 借錢拐錢和賣藥才是王道啊~~~