Category Archives: Recreation

Recreation :p


前幾天用 Skypeijliao 聊天的時候,就被 ijliao 笑說我的 blog 是外電翻譯機…

其實只是生活苦悶,用 bloglines 跑去看 SlashdotBoing Boing (這個有時候會出現好玩的 link)、The RegisterEngadget (偏 3C 的報導,通訊產業的居多) 看文章…

喔,我之前訂過 Yahoo!奇摩新聞 RSS,不過後來發現看國內的新聞太傷身而且沒營養,於是就取消訂閱了…

相當爆笑的 EULA

Kingsley Idehen’s Blog 看到「Proof That (Almost) No One Reads End User License Agreements」,而證明沒有人看的方法是:

anti-spyware firm PC Pitstop buried a note in its own EULA, saying they would give $1,000 to the first person who emailed them at a certain address.

而這個 $1000 用了多久才送出去呢?

It only took four months and over 3,000 downloads before someone noticed it and sent an email (and got the $1,000).

由於在某些國家對消費者的保護比較嚴格,如果某套軟體讓使用者同意 EULA 用的方法被證明會使得使用者「幾乎不會看」,這可能會使得 EULA 無效:

While this is an amusing story, it should also serve to show that EULAs shouldn’t be valid at all.