All posts by gslin


Boing Boing 看到 A-Team (台視譯為「天龍特攻隊」) 的照片 :p

仔細看了一下「Maybe you can hire the A-Team」以及原來的網頁「Finding The A-team: A Stuffo Experiment」這篇…

I’m looking for a crew of approximately four — a pilot, a veteran with leadership qualities, a bouncer-type who knows his way around a welding torch, and a face-man. Crack commando experience a plus. Own van and car a plus. Access to cropduster a definite plus.

原來是有位記者的朋友被綁架,想要顧用一些人,結果有人回她你需要找的是 A-Team,結果他好像很認真 o_o

Yay, he got it. And so the flood began. Some people got the reference, some didn’t. Some replied in jest, others were frighteningly serious. Lesson learned — if you are going to crack open a musty can of A-team, it’s important to stand back and let the fumes dissipate for a while before proceeding.

用 memcache

為了讓多台可以共用 session,pixnet 的 session 是用 MySQL (更早前是用更 … 的 NFS)。昨天在我的慫恿下,far 把 pixnet 的 session 部分改用 memcached 存,雖然經過愚笨的一個多小時才做完,不過上線後看起來還不錯。

PS1:我沒有用過 memcache & memcached,純粹是拐 far 去用的 XD
PS2:愚笨的一個多小時是:介紹什麼是 memcached 五分鐘,coding 五分鐘,compile php 十分鐘,以及忘記重跑 php 研究了一個小時,最後測試的五分鐘。