TaoSecurity Blog 看到的:Border Gateway Protocol Resources Mentioned in Matthews Book,雖然是在介紹書籍,不過文中提到了 BGPlay @ Route Views 這個工具 (需要 Java 環境執行),測了一下,可以拉出交大對外的 BGP 路由情況 (雖然不完整),有時候可以拿來當作檢測的工具 :p
All posts by gslin
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SCO 要被 NASDAQ 踢出來,因為…
Slashdot 報導:SCO Possibly Delisted from NASDAQ:
Reuters is reporting that SCO could be delisted from the NASDAQ because “it has not filed its annual 10-K report with the SEC”.
這實在是很有趣 XD
AMD 超低功率的 CPU
Slashdot 看到的新聞:AMD’s New Low-Power CPUs,在 AMD Alchemy™ Processor Family 可以看到詳細的資料。
在 Slashdot 的討論有提到 Supercomputer 有一大筆的費用都用在散熱上面,因為實在太熱了 (一顆要 > 50W 的情況下 !@#$%^),這系列在 400Mhz 下只有 0.25W ~ 0.5W,如果有需要建大台的 cluster,可能會是不錯的選擇…
利用 Spyware 抓老公的婚外情是沒有法律效力的 XD
Slashdot 看到的新聞:FL Court Rules Against Spouse-Installed Spyware:
A Florida court ruled that it was illegal for a wife to install spyware on her husband’s computer, in order to catch him in an extramarital affair. The three judge panel barred the woman from using the chat records from being introduced as evidence in the divorce proceedings. The court ruled that the software, Spector, violated Florida’s wiretapping law – which states that it is criminal to ‘intentionally intercept’ any ‘electronic communication.’
也就是說,這幾位法官認為 Spector 這套 Spyware 軟體違反佛州的法律,所以不能拿這套軟體的紀錄當作證據。
The Register 看到的新聞:Florida teacher cuffed for bomb-making classes,然後把當地的高爾夫球場給…:
One of his trainees subsequently detonated a device on a local golf course, and videotaped the blast for later approval by Pieski. The teacher is reported to have described the explosion as “cool”. A month later, police were called to a house near the golf course after an acid bomb alert. One youngster at the scene told officers that “Pieski showed students in class how to make the explosive device”. His mother added that he had told her the bomb was a school chemistry project.
將有趣的東西丟給 Boing Boing 的方法
Boing Boing 的網站上說明了 “HOWTO get something posted to Boing Boing“,有興趣的人可以看一看 :p
blog 中,字的大小…
在某些 blog 裡,字的大小實在是讓人想殺人,英文字與中文字所需要的 size 是不一樣的,套過來用要先看看夠不夠大,不然讀者閱讀起來會想殺人…
(又要來婊人了) 像是:T-Times.NET 生活雜想,這是幾號字啊…
在「Blog E」看到「電郵替身~~~香港版 YAHOO才有的功能」。(笑)
在 ijliao 那邊看到電子地圖:Multimap.com 與 Maporama,玩了一下發現雖然沒有 Google Maps 好用,不過操作起來還算便利… (比起國內某家用 Java 做的,hmmm…)
不過像是新竹:Multimap.com、Maporama,資訊太少了點吧 :p