Category Archives: Linux

Linux notes

Linux kernel archive 的歷史

對於 這個 Linux kernel archive 超級大站的歷史 (從 1997 草創 至今) 有一篇很有趣的介紹:Feature: The Linux Kernel Archives

目前 所使用的兩台機器是 所贊助的,每一台都是 4 CPU Opterons + 24GB RAM + 10TB Storage,而頻寬的部分由 贊助兩條「獨立的」Gigabits,一條在 Palo Alto 的 ,一條在 San Francisco 的 。而 H. Peter Anvin、Nathan Laredo、Kees Cook 則贊助他們的時間來維護 :)

Torvalds 換用 Git 管理 Linux kernel

在拋棄 後改用 Git 這套 的版本控制系統:Torvalds unveils new Linux control system

這套版本控制系統與 並不相容,但是他分散儲存的觀念是一樣的,所以 選 Git。


Among the differences: Git can’t rename a file; users must instead delete one and recreate it elsewhere with the new name, McVoy said. And it doesn’t handle space efficiently; a tiny one-character change to a 1MB file in Git will result in a 2MB file, whereas BitKeeper’s file will grow only by one byte.

這聽起來似乎不是很好… 不過不管如何,至少是 Open Source License。

中型的企業比較不考慮 Linux?

上的報導:Midsize Businesses Not Considering Linux?,原報導在 上:Midsize Businesses Have No Use for Linux

經過超過 1400 家公司的調查後, 發現中型企業使用 Linux 的情況比小型企業、大型企業要低。


It seems that, while smaller companies may see the licensing savings as being significant, and larger companies have the expertise to manage it, bringing Linux into a midsize Windows shop creates a multiplatform organization which is prohibitively complicated and expensive to manage.

我的看法與上面的類似,小型企業節省 license 成本,同時因為小型企業所產生的用量比較小,不太需要 tune 也可以跑得很好,而大型企業可以請專門的人來維護 Linux Server,而中型企業的情況則是卡在尷尬的地位,於是他們會外包,而外包的時候就要看廠商用什麼了。

而這方面 倒是做得很好 :)

最後面給了一句很重要的觀念 :p

Quote: “Linux is free, but the support for it is not.”

巴西政府對 Microsoft 的態度

巴西政府對於 授權的問題:,在第一篇 comment 有全文,不需要去 看。

其中一部份提到了巴西要求所有用政府經費發展軟體必須以 open source license 釋出:

On Mr. da Silva’s watch, Brazil has also become the first country to require any company or research institute that receives government financing to develop software to license it as open-source, meaning the underlying software code must be free to all.


By the end of April, the government plans to roll out a much ballyhooed program called PC Conectado, or Connected PC, aimed at helping millions of low-income Brazilians buy their first computers.

在這個計畫中,他們不打算浪費任何一毛納稅人的錢幫助 壟斷,因為要避免壟斷的方法之一就是去培養競爭對手,使得 無法獨大:

“We’re not going to spend taxpayers’ money on a program so that Microsoft can further consolidate its monopoly. It’s the government’s responsibility to ensure that there is competition, and that means giving alternative software platforms a chance to prosper.”

另外,提供低價 (其實這種價錢與目前台灣的免費撥接比起來並不低) 的撥接網路連上 Internet:

Buyers will be able to pay in 24 installments of 50 to 60 reais, or about $18 to $21.80 a month, an amount affordable for many working poor. The country’s top three fixed-line telephone companies – Telefónica of Spain; Tele Norte Leste Participações, or Telemar; and Brasil Telecom – have agreed to provide a dial-up Internet connection to participants for 7.50 reais, or less than $3, a month, allowing 15 hours of Web surfing.