All posts by gslin

Firefox is not Free when you BUILD it

Gervase Markham 的「Free Binaries of Firefox」這篇文章裡提到六個禮拜前 Richard M. Stallman (RMS) 向他們 (Foundation) 提到了在 compile Firefox 時的過程並不是 “Free”,因為:

  1. 需要用到 Talkback 這個軟體。
  2. Firefox EULA 裡某些條款使得在自己 compile 時需要移除 trademark (這包含了那個 firefox icon,所以你拿到 unofficial build 的時候應該都會發現 icon 被換掉了),並遵守 US export 規定。(文內沒有提到,不過我猜是因為 SSL 高加密的部分用到的關係)

在文章後面有提到 RMS 受不了等待,於是自己準備出來搞 free build :p (然後下面的 comment 一些人幹剿 RMS 說他太急了?:p)

Wireless USB

Engadget 看到:Wireless USB killed the Bluetooth star,等了許久終於出來了:

Designed to operate at a range of 10 meters or less, data transfer speeds will top off at 480 Mbps. At Intel’s Developer Forum this week, senior fellow Kevin Kahn demonstrated a USB dongle that fits a standard USB 2.0 port and would allow any device with a USB port to send its signals wirelessly.

不知道授權費用會不會太貴,如果不會的話 Bluetooth 就準備閃邊吧…

脫褲子放屁 XD

這是我看到「IP over VoIP, Anyone?」這篇文章標題後的第一個感想 XD

不過仔細看才發現原來是因為 UK Wi-Fi 對於 Skype 不收費,於是就想要透過 VoIP 傳 IP data?

UK Wi-Fi hotspot users are being offered free Skype calls. “Broadreach hopes that after making free Voice over Wi-Fi calls consumers will be more likely to pay to check their email or surf the web at its hot spots.”

果然,幹壞事是進步最大的原動力 :p