ijliao 寫了「RSS Spam 即將到來」,比起 mail spam 無法抵抗,RSS spam 則是當你受不了的時候,不訂閱就可以了。
All posts by gslin
MacGyver DVD
在 ForeverGeek 看到 MacGyver 第一季一區的 DVD 消息:(Macgyver DVDs)
Macgyver season 1 was released on DVD a few weeks ago. The Season 1 DVDs come packed with 6, count ’em, 6 discs of pure action starring the greatest handyman ever.
這陣子在許多 blog 上提到紐約中央公園的 “The Gates“,因為沒有特地去找,剛剛才看到有人貼了 link 出來:The Gates in Central Park。很漂亮呢 :p
PS:詳細的說明可以到 The Gates in Central Park 找到。
Bank of America 的後續
在紐約時報上提到了 Bank of America 資料遺失一些更完整的消息:(Bank Loses Tapes of Records of 1.2 Million With Visa Cards)
Bank of America said yesterday that it had lost computer backup tapes containing personal information about 1.2 million federal employees, including some senators, with Visa charge cards issued by the bank.
PS:關於 Visa charge card 的說明,可以在台灣 Visa 網站找到:認識Visa商務卡。
The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense
在 TaoSecurity 看到 The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense 這本書,看起來 (看 Customer Review) 相當有趣啊,列入書單…
在 Boing Boing 看到 ISP 向使用者敲詐的新聞:Paying Canadian teclo an extra $50 makes IRC and ftp secure, somehow,事情的起因是這樣的:
Ports used by such ftp, telnet and IRC servers, among others, have been blocked. According to Telus, ‘These security measures are designed to reduce illicit traffic.’
不過呢,你可以選擇被敲詐,這樣這些 port 就不會被 block 了:
But if home users upgrade to a business account (for $84.95 a month, rather than $29.95) the blocked ports magically become unstuck. There’s no mention, however, of increased security measures in the upgraded business accounts. Interpret this how you like.
MSN Space
我對 MSN Space 的印象一直很不好,因為他實在太花了。所以我 bloglines 四百多筆 (ijliao,還沒五百) 裡面,用 MSN Space 在個位數…
即將火熱 <Get Hot Soon!> 是少數的幾個,雖然我不是很喜歡紅色,可是畫面相當的乾淨 (這很重要)。
在 referer 스팸 보내는 무식한 놈들 -.,- 看到超搞笑的東西,這是在蒐集 User-Agent 嗎 :P
Spybot Result
這不是我的電腦 (我不跑奇怪軟體、不用 IE 看網頁 :p),只是我更新了一下 Spybot 然後掃一掃而已,看起來還蠻壯觀的 -_-