Category Archives: Security

Security :p

SSL 憑證

Jedi 抹黑說我是長輩,這是誤解啊 -_-

我只是趁 RegisterFly 在特價的時候 (好像是 USD$9.95/year) 先幫 買 SSL Certificate,後來用一用沒問題就繼續幫 D2 所有有用到 SSL 的 domain 以及 CCCAGroup.NCTU 買而已…

PS:D2 的部分也才、、、 這幾台 -_-

NCTU 買 wildcard SSL 的時候再考慮看看「長輩」這個詞啦…

超邪惡的 Google Toolbar

看到這篇文章「Google’s new toolbar: Now more evil than ever」提到的:

As if that wasn’t enough, the toolbar updates automatically, without asking. Once installed, this happens no matter how restrictive your Explorer security settings might be, and regardless of whether you have ZoneAlarm or some other firewall installed. Basically, this means that Google potentially can install anything at all on your hard drive, at any time that you connect to them.

Don’t be evil?這已經是過去式了。

利用 Spyware 抓老公的婚外情是沒有法律效力的 XD

Slashdot 看到的新聞:FL Court Rules Against Spouse-Installed Spyware

A Florida court ruled that it was illegal for a wife to install spyware on her husband’s computer, in order to catch him in an extramarital affair. The three judge panel barred the woman from using the chat records from being introduced as evidence in the divorce proceedings. The court ruled that the software, Spector, violated Florida’s wiretapping law – which states that it is criminal to ‘intentionally intercept’ any ‘electronic communication.’

也就是說,這幾位法官認為 Spector 這套 Spyware 軟體違反佛州的法律,所以不能拿這套軟體的紀錄當作證據。