Forty years after the publication of his law, which states that transistor density on integrated circuits doubles about every two years, Moore said this morning: “It can’t continue forever. The nature of exponentials is that you push them out and eventually disaster happens.”
另外一個跟 Moore’s Law 相關,而且相當有趣的新聞:這個影響四十年的定律,當年 Gordon Moore 在 Electronics Magazine (現在已經不在了) 發表後拿到的那本雜誌,在借給他人之後就沒有還他了。於是 Intel 並沒有這本雜誌的紙本。
Now, this is nothing new to the folks on the digital cutting edge, but it’s time for the media industry to take note because this force is slowly gaining mainstream attention and it is likely to once again change the balance of power between content providers and consumers. And it’s not limited to Firefox. One developer has come up with similar scripts for Internet Explorer.