Boing Boing reader Weizhong Yang in Taipei, Taiwan sends us the following. It’s longer than we usually post in entirety on Boing Boing, but it’s fascinating — and not available elsewhere in English. Weizhong says:
In Taiwan, the “orz” subculture is combined with another “Nice Guys” (?? Hao-Ren) subculture. “Nice guys” refers to the boys rejected or denied by the girls, because girls often deny the boys by saying politely: “You are a nice guy, you must can find another girl who loves you and she is better than me. I am so sorry”.
The latest version of Send-Safe allows spammers to use hijacked proxies to send the spam out via the upstream ISP’s main mail server, instead of from an infected machine itself. Ruslan Ibragimov, author of the ‘Send-Safe’package, also sell lists of freshly-infected proxies to the spammer community, according to Spamhaus.