很糟 :p
沒有辦法下載原始檔案,畫質很糟,聲音也很糟 :p 說他是 Video Flickr 言過其實 :p
Slashdot 上的新聞:Microsoft Wants P2P Avalanche to Crush BitTorrent,原報導在 The Register 上:Enter Avalanche: P2P filesharing from Microsoft。
Microsoft 發展了一套類似於 Bittorrent 的工具,叫做 Avalanche,希望能取代 Bittorrent… 不過下面的 comments 講的很明白了,這是不可能的事情,就如同 1998 時 Microsoft 想以 wma 取代 mp3 一樣 :p
另外,這個 comment 很好笑 :p
Plus, how cool is it going to be to download Windows Server 2006 (or whatever it is) off a P2P network they created.
等下要做的事情先寫出來好了,以免到時候都沒做 =_=
批次上傳的功能目前是 IE only (對大多數人來說其實沒差),不過似乎沒有提供原圖的功能,只提供 480×360,廣告太多、圖片太小。
想要搶 無名小站 的生意還有很大的問題,並不是不限制容量就可以搶到的啊…
細節的部分請參考 Yahoo! 相簿的「很多一元」與 Flickr 上的「很多一元 :p (2005/06/14)」這個相簿。
在 OSNews 上看到 Eric Raymond 對於 GNU Public License 與 BSD license 的看法:Eric Raymond talks about GPL and BSD licenses。
原文在 Eric Raymond talks about GPL and BSD licenses 這篇文章裡,這段說明了他的理念:
Basically, we don’t need GPL. It’s based on the belief that open source software is weak and needs to be protected. With it, we continue injuring ourselves, cutting ourselves from the economic benefits of BSD license.
簡單來說,他認為在 Open Source Community 裡,BSD license 比 GNU Public License 好。
PS:如果你不知道 Eric Raymond 是什麼人,請參考 Wikipedia 的說明:Eric S. Raymond。
在 [Links] YouTube 看到 Youtube,順手把 slzzp 吃布丁 的影片傳上去了 :p
先玩一陣子看看,不知道適不適合拿來放 host *casting 的東西…
來把整套 CF 傳上去?XD
Slashdot:Testing Cheaper Printer Ink,轉錄了 Wall Street Journal 的報導:Entrepreneurs Offer Cheaper Printer Ink。
At the same time, the big companies are getting stingier with the amount of ink they are putting into each cartridge. For example, when H-P eliminated one cartridge that had 42 milliliters of ink and cost $29.99, it replaced it with another that costs $19.99 but has only 19 milliliters of ink.
But cheaper cartridges are far from perfect. The price is often considerably lower, but consumer watchdogs frequently decry the quality of alternative ink, complaining that they can result in streaky printouts. “Shop around for the best cartridge prices but be wary of off-brands; we have found brand-name cartridges to have better print quality overall,” Consumer Reports recently cautioned.
我想到之前 IBM 好像也有推出相容墨水匣 (還是碳粉夾?) 搞過 HP?怎麼沒拿 IBM 的試看看?(我記得還有「如果你用我們的墨水匣造成你的印表機故障,我們賠你一台同等級的」的宣示?)
Update:「享樂所擬」->「想勒索你」,錯字滿天飛 :~
在 Slashdot 上看到 UK anti-ID card campaign Gains Momentum 這篇文章在講英國的 NO2ID 發起了一項宣示 (Online Pledge) 活動:
“I will refuse to register for an ID card and will donate £10 to a legal defence fund but only if 10,000 other people will also make this same pledge.”
這邊的 ID card 是指包含生物特徵 (Biometric,這邊主要是指「指紋」) 的 ID card。
而一連進 NO2ID 的網頁,就看到台灣暫停身份證換發時必須按奈指紋的新聞:(Chinapost)
The Chinese Council of Grand Justices has just stopped in its tracks the Taiwanese government’s plans to impose compulsory fingerprinting on all Taiwanese citizens, declaring the move unconstitutional. This, after the People’s Republic of China abandoned universal fingerprinting due to cost and logistics.