Category Archives: Blog

Anything about BLOG

blog 不是教育用途?

報導了 Vermont 的一所中學封鎖 blog (從學校內的網路沒辦法看到 blog),因為 blogging 不是教育用途:Principal bans blogging: “not educational”。原新聞稿在 High school bans blogging

Principal Chris Sousa said the decision to block the site from school was made because blogging is not an educational use of school computers.

另外,他也要求家長要注意學生在 這類網站上面要留意個人資料的問題:(沒錯!要注意 這種怪叔叔…)

But he’s also urging parents to keep tabs on their children’s blogging, with a particularly close eye to what personal information the student may be posting on sites like

不過話說回來,blog 不屬於教育用途?我要好好想一想…

WordPress Website 的 Spam 問題

WordPress Website’s Search Engine Spam 提到了 的官方網站上的 article/ 目錄下放了一堆與 無關的東西,而這些東西都是在 / 裡面的高價關鍵字:

is a very popular open-source blogging software package, with a great official website maintained by , its founding developer. I discovered last week that since early February, he’s been quietly hosting almost 120,000 articles on their website. These articles are designed specifically to game the Google Adwords program, written by a third-party about high-cost advertising keywords like asbestos, mesothelioma, insurance, debt consolidation, diabetes, and mortgages.

於是他就跑到 Support Forum 去問,結果被 close 掉,直到他在 blog 上面提了以後 reopen 並說明:

I stumbled on this issue from a support topic, which was immediately closed without response by an unknown moderator. (After I pointed it out, Matt reopened the thread to add a final comment.)

在該 thread 的尾端提出的說明,是因為贊助的關係:

The content in /articles is essentially advertising by a third party that we host for a flat fee. I’m not sure if we’re going to continue it much longer, but we’re committed to this month at least, it was basically an experiment. However around the beginning of Feburary donations were going down as expenses were ramping up, so it seemed like a good way to cover everything. The adsense on those pages is not ours and I have no idea what they get on it, we just get a flat fee. The money is used just like donations but more specifically it’s been going to the business/trademark expenses so it’s not entirely out of my pocket anymore.

於是 提出了下面的問題:

This poses some interesting questions. First, do organizers of open-source projects need to disclose how they’re making money off the project? Matt isn’t disclosing anything about this activity to the community. I don’t think anyone would be upset about Matt trying to support WordPress with outside sources of revenue, but as an open-source project, they should be held to a higher level of transparency. Without the users and developers all working for free, it wouldn’t exist.

如果你想知道更詳細的情況 (譬如,你要想發表評論),請務必看完原來的文章。

PS:寫到最後面剛好看到 上也對此發表了意見:WordPress Making Money The Wrong Way

關於四個分站 XD

本來我在 ()、 ()、 ()、 () 都有分站,用一隻 同步,不過這隻程式的問題不少 XD

我打算暫時放棄用 來搞這些有的沒的了,麻煩有興趣的人就直接到 或是 訂閱吧 :p


一些題外話 XD

到會場的時候剛好看到 ,就一起上 14F 去會場。然後在會場看到 與小陰 (sfchiou),於是就跑過去跟他聊天,然後聊到一半我聽到後面好像在講 (似乎是跟 的大頭講 拿不回來的事情),回頭一看發現是 ,不知道要不要打招呼 XD

前面有看到 以及 ,然後吃東西的時候遇到

沒來真是太可惜了 XD

中間休息的時候被 認出來,聊了一下 的 SQL 與 架構問題,我是認為 的定位不一樣,所以以現在的 SQL 用法,已經無藥可救了 XD (對不起,我是嘴炮,只負責出張嘴 :p)

剛剛看到 上有一些資訊,大家可以連過去看看: (Comments 的部分)、

以及 的 Gallery 有一些相片可以看: