OSNews 的 Mozilla: The Honeymoon is over 標題寫得很清楚,當 Firefox 佔有率愈來愈高,他就必須面對現實:一個是 Close Source Software,一個是 Open Source Software,你必須接受在立足點不同的情況下,擁有超越 IE 的安全性。(因為在官方網站上面 “Why Use Firefox?” 其中一條是 “Privacy and Security”)
Technologically savvy users are merging these technologies to “Skypecast”, using Skype’s service to distribute recordings across the internet for free. This allows expert users to run their own mini-radio stations, which can be accessed by any Skype user.
其他的選項應該只會用到 -g (train as ham) 與 -s (train as spam),可以放到 mutt 的 .muttrc 裡面方便自己 train,有興趣的人可以玩看看:
macro index X "<pipe-entry>sb_filter.py -s > /dev/null\n<delete-message>" "mark as spam"
macro pager X "<pipe-entry>sb_filter.py -s > /dev/null\n<delete-message>" "mark as spam"
macro index Z "<pipe-entry>sb_filter.py -g > /dev/null\n" "mark as innocent"
macro pager Z "<pipe-entry>sb_filter.py -g > /dev/null\n" "mark as innocent"
PuTTY now supports IPv6, xterm 256-color control sequences, wildcards and recursive file transfer in PSFTP, and keepalives in all operating systems. A number of small bugs were fixed, security was improved for SSH2, and port forwarding can now be reconfigured mid-session.