前陣子在國外的新聞上常常看到關於 Broadcast flag 的新聞 (大約一兩個禮拜前吧),一開始還不知道是什麼東西 (我以為是什麼影集 !@#$%^),跑去問 ashley 大姊,他居然跟我說他也不知道… 於是用 Google 找了找發現 Wikipedia 寫得很完整:
Broadcast Flag 是一組位元 (或稱做「旗標」) 的集合,透過數位電視的資料流傳送,用以表示節目是否可以被錄下,或是其他的限制。
A broadcast flag is a set of status bits (or “flags”) sent in the data stream of a digital television program that indicates whether or not it can be recorded, or if there are any restrictions on recorded content.
Alex Malik, a former general counsel for the Australian Recording Industry Association, generated the report. Malik believes that by delaying the broadcast of these programs, Australian TV programmers have increased the domestic demand for the shows. “As a result, impatient viewers have increasingly turned to BitTorrent to download their favorite shows,” he said.