More than a year after the CAN-SPAM Act became law, email users say they are receiving slightly more spam in their inboxes than before, but they are minding it less.
另外一點值得注意的是,收到 Porn Spam 的情況愈來愈少:
Among other things, the survey found that people were getting less porn spam, a uniquely troubling form of spam for most users and particularly for women. While 63% of email users now say they have received porn spam, down 8 percentage points from a year ago, 29% of those email users say they are now getting less porn spam, compared to 16% who said they are getting more.
主要的意思是說,加拿大類似 RIAA 的協會宣稱 P2P 所造成的損失極為巨大,但加拿大一位法律系的教授 Michael Geist 用實際的數據提出反駁。
Using actual data from Canada, Piercing the P2P Myths, demonstrates that the loss claims are greatly exaggerated and that P2P has had little, if any impact on the income of the artists themselves.
Technologically savvy users are merging these technologies to “Skypecast”, using Skype’s service to distribute recordings across the internet for free. This allows expert users to run their own mini-radio stations, which can be accessed by any Skype user.
It seems that, while smaller companies may see the licensing savings as being significant, and larger companies have the expertise to manage it, bringing Linux into a midsize Windows shop creates a multiplatform organization which is prohibitively complicated and expensive to manage.
我的看法與上面的類似,小型企業節省 license 成本,同時因為小型企業所產生的用量比較小,不太需要 tune 也可以跑得很好,而大型企業可以請專門的人來維護 Linux Server,而中型企業的情況則是卡在尷尬的地位,於是他們會外包,而外包的時候就要看廠商用什麼了。