All posts by gslin

關於四個分站 XD

本來我在 ()、 ()、 ()、 () 都有分站,用一隻 同步,不過這隻程式的問題不少 XD

我打算暫時放棄用 來搞這些有的沒的了,麻煩有興趣的人就直接到 或是 訂閱吧 :p

Microsoft 將 Spammer 告到破產

這對於 spammer 來說是一個重大的打擊,在 Spam King goes bankrupt 提到:

I doubt we’ve seen the last of Scott Richter. But you’ve got to marvel at Microsoft’s handling of this case. Not only did the company apparently get a big judgment where Eliot Spitzer couldn’t, it also orchestrated the release of news about the bankruptcy so it would hit Richter right in his hometown newspapers.

出手的確不一樣。不過很無奈,一般的小老百姓沒辦法像 一樣有這麼多資源。


一些題外話 XD

到會場的時候剛好看到 ,就一起上 14F 去會場。然後在會場看到 與小陰 (sfchiou),於是就跑過去跟他聊天,然後聊到一半我聽到後面好像在講 (似乎是跟 的大頭講 拿不回來的事情),回頭一看發現是 ,不知道要不要打招呼 XD

前面有看到 以及 ,然後吃東西的時候遇到

沒來真是太可惜了 XD

中間休息的時候被 認出來,聊了一下 的 SQL 與 架構問題,我是認為 的定位不一樣,所以以現在的 SQL 用法,已經無藥可救了 XD (對不起,我是嘴炮,只負責出張嘴 :p)

剛剛看到 上有一些資訊,大家可以連過去看看: (Comments 的部分)、

以及 的 Gallery 有一些相片可以看:

巴西政府對 Microsoft 的態度

巴西政府對於 授權的問題:,在第一篇 comment 有全文,不需要去 看。

其中一部份提到了巴西要求所有用政府經費發展軟體必須以 open source license 釋出:

On Mr. da Silva’s watch, Brazil has also become the first country to require any company or research institute that receives government financing to develop software to license it as open-source, meaning the underlying software code must be free to all.


By the end of April, the government plans to roll out a much ballyhooed program called PC Conectado, or Connected PC, aimed at helping millions of low-income Brazilians buy their first computers.

在這個計畫中,他們不打算浪費任何一毛納稅人的錢幫助 壟斷,因為要避免壟斷的方法之一就是去培養競爭對手,使得 無法獨大:

“We’re not going to spend taxpayers’ money on a program so that Microsoft can further consolidate its monopoly. It’s the government’s responsibility to ensure that there is competition, and that means giving alternative software platforms a chance to prosper.”

另外,提供低價 (其實這種價錢與目前台灣的免費撥接比起來並不低) 的撥接網路連上 Internet:

Buyers will be able to pay in 24 installments of 50 to 60 reais, or about $18 to $21.80 a month, an amount affordable for many working poor. The country’s top three fixed-line telephone companies – Telefónica of Spain; Tele Norte Leste Participações, or Telemar; and Brasil Telecom – have agreed to provide a dial-up Internet connection to participants for 7.50 reais, or less than $3, a month, allowing 15 hours of Web surfing. 的爭奪戰

同樣的新聞,都是在講 這個 domain 的爭奪戰:

我本來認為英國的法院相當無理 (在「」這篇文章),是因為我認為在商標 (iTunes) 根本就還沒被的 domain 不應該被強制易主。

如同 的例子,已經在使用這個 domain,不願意轉讓。

但在 的報導中提到的嘴臉就是網路蟑螂的樣子:

Apple offered to buy the domain name for $5,000 late last year, but Cohen responded he would only be willing to sell for 50,000 pounds ($94,000). Following several weeks of informal mediation that failed to resolve the dispute, a Nominet expert was appointed to rule on ownership of the domain name.


Late last year, Cohen tried to sell the domain name to Apple’s online music rival Napster. Although Napster declined the offer, for a brief period in November, redirected its visitors to
