All posts by gslin


看到「永遠的真田幸村」裡的「沒收手機、清空簡訊的違法學校」這篇,就想到昨天在 Ptt 上面看到的文章。

有人在 Ptt 上問,研究所考試時帶計算機進去進去的限制。(某些計算機可以算微積分,有些則有 Program 功能,看考試的類型會決定可以用到哪種層級的計算機)

而有人跑出來問會不會被「沒收」,畢竟工程計算機一台都不便宜。呃… 我看了就笑出來了,如果他敢「沒收」不還的話大概就要上新聞了:



下面有個推文的確很重要,要記得在計算機上面貼自己的名字… (用透明膠帶貼好)


Boing Boing 看到「How much crap is in your P2P app?」提到 EULA 的長度:

eDonkey’s EULAs fill 90 on-screen pages.

iMesh’s EULA is 56 on-screen pages. (I assume this is the version of iMesh from before they shut down). v Kazaa’s EULA fills 182 on-screen pages. The app writes 845 registry keys upon installation.

Morpheus shows you 44 on-screen pages of EULA for its bundle-ware, DirectRevenue.

LimeWire has no EULA and no bundle-ware. If you already have the Java Runtime Environment installed, it also has the smallest install footprint of any of the apps (cuz it’s a Java application).

咦,我應該去看看我們家 KKMan 有多長 XD