Category Archives: Network



上的 Study Finds Value in Email Spam 這篇文章是說,研究員找了大約 2100 個加拿大人,分成兩組,其中一組每個禮拜都會收到「減肥對於身體健康好處」的廣告信,而另外一組則不會收到。在進行了十二個禮拜後,收廣告的那組 BMI (Body Mass Index) 平均值降低了。


所以下面的 comment 寫的很諷刺,直接挑明了這篇垃圾論文只是在混淆視聽:(我只引用了前半段)

So obvious! (Score:5, Funny)
by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 04, @07:43PM (#12981964)
You know what else is good?

If you have a fat wife or fat children, you should tell them they’re fat several times a day. And tell them they need to lose weight. And do it in front of company when people visit. And when they’re at the dinner table, tell them they don’t need seconds when they reach for something, because they’re fat.

And tell your daughter she’s ugly, so she’ll do something about her face and maybe get some cosmetic surgery. And tell your son how stupid he is every chance you get so he’ll be compelled to be an educated man.

PS:突然想到要提醒某人, 的精華一向都是在後面的那堆 comments 裡…

Bram Cohen 在 1999 寫的網頁惹禍?

這篇 Bittorrent Creator A Digital Pirate? 相當… 有趣 :p

在前幾天 敗訴後,軟體創作的「動機」變成很重要的一環:如果你創作這個軟體是為了非法的用途,那麼…

而有人透過 這個邪惡的網頁歷史網站發現當初 網頁的某個 page (A technological activist’s agenda) 這樣寫:

I further my goals with technology. I build systems to disseminate information, commit digital piracy, synthesize drugs, maintain untrusted contacts, purchase anonymously, and secure machines and homes. I release my code and writings freely, and publish all of my ideas early to make them unpatentable.

前幾天 在 Wired 上辯稱:(BitTorrent Whiz Extolled Piracy?)

Cohen said the agenda was written years before he started work on BitTorrent, and that it was written as a parody of other manifestos.

“I wrote that in 1999, and I didn’t even start working on BitTorrent until 2001,” Cohen said. “I find it really unpleasant that I even have to worry about it.”

至於事情到底是怎樣,其實大家心裡都有底 :p

PHP Template Engine?

Roodo! Blog 開發日誌 的「樂多日誌開發使用相關技術」中使用了 這個 PHP Tempate Engine。

這讓我想到跟 聊到一篇很有名的文章:Templates and Template Engines

這篇文章簡單來說就是這樣:「他媽的你們這些人幹嘛叫我把 PHP 改得更快,你們用 Smarty 這類的 Template Engine 當然會慢啊! 本身就是一個 Template Engine,你用 Template Engine 去寫另外一個 Template Engine 當然會慢,怪我咧,blah blah…」(當然,文句沒有這麼粗俗 :p)

但你又不能直接開放 PHP function 給 user 用:因為 user 可以把 $__GLOBAL 裡面的變數倒出來慢慢看有什麼好玩的,或者是透過你的主機寄寄廣告信 *grin*

是一套直接使用 PHP function,但是做了合理的限制的 PHP Template Engine:

Savant is a powerful but lightweight object-oriented template system for PHP.

Unlike other template systems, Savant by default does not compile your templates into PHP; instead, it uses PHP itself as its template language so you don’t need to learn a new markup system.

比起 所產生的 loading 會比較小。

Update:才剛寫完就看到 上另外一個計畫 ,將 比較不常用的功能都拿掉,有興趣的人也可以看看。