Category Archives: Programming


Torvalds 換用 Git 管理 Linux kernel

在拋棄 後改用 Git 這套 的版本控制系統:Torvalds unveils new Linux control system

這套版本控制系統與 並不相容,但是他分散儲存的觀念是一樣的,所以 選 Git。


Among the differences: Git can’t rename a file; users must instead delete one and recreate it elsewhere with the new name, McVoy said. And it doesn’t handle space efficiently; a tiny one-character change to a 1MB file in Git will result in a 2MB file, whereas BitKeeper’s file will grow only by one byte.

這聽起來似乎不是很好… 不過不管如何,至少是 Open Source License。

Firefox 簡單的設計

( 的發展者之一) Simplicity is the best feature 在他的 blog 上提到 Erin Joyce 認為 出來的時候能夠對市場產生衝擊,但是他認為 成功的原因之一是:

My mom doesn’t want tiling. Or cascading. Or panels. She just wants a simple way to keep multiple sites open, and it’s because Firefox provides only that—without all the confusing bells and whistles—that she finds it so appealing.

對不喜歡複雜功能的人,簡單夠用就好。而對於想要玩得更深入的人,有 extension 可以配合!

在他的 blog 上提到上面這件事情,不過他的想法有時候想法很奇怪,像是這篇舉了一個反例:Firefox developer urges other developers to create simpler designs

That’s a great way (指 simpler design 這件事) to judge software, but I find that I also have to factor in how useful a piece of software is too. One of my favorite pieces of software, for instance, is Adobe Illustrator. No one would call that simple. But it lets graphic designers create all sorts of wild things.

是希望一般的大眾去用,而 則是針對特地族群,整個發展的立足點不一樣,拿出來比較實在是…

94 (2005) 清大資工計算機基礎科學

一百分鐘考了十三題,然後第十三題要你寫 code (寫 algorithm,題目沒有指定要寫 pseudocode 還是 C/C++ code),拼速度的考試 XD

然後 Blake 長輩昨天特地指導「求矩陣乘法的最快組合」,結果這次考出來分數很重,超感謝 XD

順便問,有沒有哪種 () 可以不用額外 space 是否有辦法做到 O(1) find-min 與 O(1) find-max?換句話說,我可以接受非常差的 insert/delete/find,但是他必須是

Update:這個題目是我會錯意了 XD

CodeZoo – Java 的 CPAN

公告他們決定要成立 CodeZoo – CodeZoo, a new O’Reilly site, launches,不過與 不太一樣:

We’re not focused on hosting developer projects, like SourceForge, nor on comprehensively listing all open source Java code. Instead, we’ve hand-selected a list of the components we think will be the easiest and best to use in your development projects — whether you are an open source or commercial developer.

用人工選?這樣跟 差太多了。

上也有許多不同的聲音:Developer Site CodeZoo Launches