從 Boing Boing 的 Hell Money: fanciful bills for Chinese funerals and festivals 看到的 XD
「伺服器資料共享 微軟對EU作出讓步」(Taiwan.CNET.com) 中提到了 Microsoft 對 26 項妥協了 20 項,但是卻沒有說其他六項是關於什麼的:Microsoft Accepts Most EU Demands, But Not Over Source (Slashdot)。
是的,都是關於 Source Code License 的問題。
Jeremy Zawodny 之前有 post 一篇:Yahoo! 360 Invites Are Flowing,你可以跟他要 Yahoo! 360° 的 invitation…
不過剛剛看到他在哀嚎 spam 他的人實在太多了 XD
Update: Stop.
Please Stop.
Don’t you think that 300+ requests and over 250 via e-mail is TOO MANYY?! Are you REALLY expecting a response at this point?
在 Gizmodo 看到神秘的太陽能背包:Solar Style Mini Messenger Bag,2.6W 的電量?那很明顯不能充 NB 了 (要充到什麼時候 XD),不過 MP3 Player 之類的倒是還可以用用 :p
O’Reilly 公告他們決定要成立 CodeZoo – Java 的 CPAN:CodeZoo, a new O’Reilly site, launches,不過與 CPAN 不太一樣:
We’re not focused on hosting developer projects, like SourceForge, nor on comprehensively listing all open source Java code. Instead, we’ve hand-selected a list of the components we think will be the easiest and best to use in your development projects — whether you are an open source or commercial developer.
用人工選?這樣跟 CPAN 差太多了。
在 Slashdot 上也有許多不同的聲音:Developer Site CodeZoo Launches
有時候會看到一些「有趣」的新聞,像是 Slashdot 今天報導的,2008 年後,美國人從加拿大回美國需要護照 (但出境不用 XD):U.S. to Require Passport To Re-Enter Country。
於是就很有可能發生出去回不來的情況?:p 當然,到大使館補辦也是一種方法啦,只是很好笑而已 XD
剛剛冒著當機的危險 (?) 去 Hot-unplug x31 的電池,結果好像可以這樣幹,至少沒當機 XD
在 The Register 看到這個「非常有名」的 Domain Name 判決:Sex.com ruling upheld by Court of Appeals。
原因起於 1994 年 Gary Kremen 註冊了 sex.com,而 Stephen Cohen 故意假造信件要求 Network Solutions 要求 Transfer:
Kremen, of San Francisco, originally registered the name in 1994. But Cohen, an ex-convict, took the name from Kremen the following year by sending a forged letter of transfer to Network Solutions (which subsequently became part of VeriSign).
然後 Stephen Cohen 到 2000 年十一月前利用這個騙來的 domain 架設色情網站獲取暴利:
Cohen then ran a highly profitable porn portal until November 2000 when a court awarded Kremen the return of the domain name.
Cohen has paid nothing to Kremen, and Kremen says that a warrant is out for his arrest. But according to the fascinating article by USA Today, Cohen is now in Europe, making what he describes as a “very comfortable living” in the European casino and construction industries.
另外 VeriSign 也因此被告:
Kremen also sued VeriSign for the initial blunder, a case that settled last year with the company paying Kremen an undisclosed sum.
被 Google fire 的 Mark Jen 又開始寫 blog 了:plaxoed! [Mark Jen’s life @ Plaxo],這是他用的是 WordPress,因為他說這幾陣子 Blogger 變龜了 XD
因為 CVS 轉到 Subversion 轉不動:KDE Chooses BitKeeper for Source Code Repository。其中一段:
Unfortunately, due to many unresolved issues and technical problems with Subversion, the move has proven impossible.
Update:jeese 告知這是 4/1 新聞 XD